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Body size (L * w * h mm) | 1060*826*1250mm | 1060*826*1250mm |
Body weight (kg) | one hundred and seventy-five | two hundred and fifty |
Working speed (M / s) | 0.01-2m/s | 0.01-1m/s |
Rated load (kg) | one hundred and fifty | one hundred |
Turning radius (mm) | 0 | 0 |
Navigation mode | Laser slam | |
Turning radius (mm) | 1060*826*1250mm | 1060*826*1250mm |
Climbing capacity (mm) | 5°/ 8% | 5°/ 8% |
Station positioning accuracy (mm) | ± 10/± zero point five | ± 10/± one point five |
Endurance time | 10h | 8h |
Charging mode | Automatic (manual) |
Automatic (manual) |
Charging time (H) | 1.5h | 1.5h |
Battery life | 2000 times | 2000 times |
Battery capacity | 48V20AH | 48V20AH |
Alarm mode: | Sound indicator | |
Obstacle avoidance mode | Front laser rear ultrasonic obstacle avoidance, infrared obstacle avoidance safety anti-collision strip |
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